news: June 19th 2023

Funding Commitment for DPRP 2.0 from the Government of Nepal  

After extensive discussion by our directors in Nepal with the government in Koshi Province, the Nepalese budget for DPRP2.0 in the next fiscal year (starting July 15th) has been officially allocated for an amount of €730.000. Also, meetings are held in the 4 districts where the program will start with  mayors of the 34 new municipalities, who all seemed positive to adopt the program and allocate the budget.

After intense lobbying by our director Deepak Sapkota, also the federal government has showed its interest in starting a Community Based Rehabilitation program.  They intend to fund such a pilot program in three provinces. Province 1 (our DPRP), Province 5 and 6. Deepak recently started discussions with the Provinces 5 and 6 to introduce the approach and content of DPRP and explore if and how Karuna Foundation can support in the implementation of a pilot.