- 2018 Zero Project Report 2018. ‘Accessibility’;
- 2017 ‘Programme Evaluation of Karuna Foundation’s Inspire2Care Programme in Nepal.’ Kaarak Enterprise Development Service, in opdracht van UBS Optimus Foundation.
- 2017 Impact Evaluation of Inspire2Care & Share&Care pilot projects (executive summary). Nepalees onderzoeksteam onder leiding van K. Phuyal, in opdracht van Karuna Nepal.
- 2017 ‘Everybody Matters: Good practices for the inclusion of people with disabilities in sexual en reproductive health and rights programmes‘. DCDD en Share-Net International;
- 2017 Zero Project Report 2017. ‘Employment, Work and Vocational Education & Training’;
- 2015 ‘Good Practices on Community-Based Inclusive Development in Asia and the Pacific‘. Asian Pacific Centre for Development and Disability;
- 2015 ‘Cost-effectiveness and efficiency assessment of the Inspire2Care program, 2011-2013‘. Kelsey Vaughan, Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen (KIT);
- 2015 ‘Cost-effectiveness of a Community-based Rehabilitation Programme in Nepal‘. Kelsey Vaughan, wetenschappelijk artikel in Disability, CBR. and Inclusive Development (DCID) gebaseerd op bovenstaand onderzoeksrapport;
- 2014 Training of Professionals (ToP) Impact Evaluation Report. Karuna Foundation;
- 2013 Impact assessment Share&Care en Inspire2Care. Om Bahadur Rai (redacteur Republica) en Govinda Pariyar (Senior correspondent Annapurna Post);
- 2012 Evaluation of the Community Based Rehabilitation Projects in Nepal. Huib Cornielje, Enablement;
- 2012 Review of Community-based Health Insurance Initiatives in Nepal. Swiss Health Centre en Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeid (GiZ). Bekijk ook de bijbehorende presentatie van dit rapport.
Karuna folders
- 2018 ‘Building Disability Inclusive Communities‘ Informatieboekje
- 2018 Inspire2Care folder
- 2016 Inspire2Care programme brief
Onderzoeken door Masterstudenten
- 2015 ‘Factors influencing the sustainability of community based programs: a mixed method study’. Laurien Persoon, masterstudent Global Health, Maastricht University;
- 2015 ‘The Inclusiveness of Society for Children with Disabilities in Nepal‘. Lina Brandt, masterstudent Global Health, Maastricht University;
- 2014 ‘Children with Disability in Nepal: New Hope Through CBR?’. Tanja Mol, masterstudent VU Amsterdam, wetenschappelijk artikel gepubliceerd in Disability, CBR and Inclusive Development;
- 2013 ‘The impact of the Share & Care program (Community-Based Health Insurance) on preventing disabilities‘. Juliet van Es, masterstudent VU Amsterdam;
- 2010 ‘Determinants of Membership: A study to investigate the most important determinants of membership of the Share & Care program in Mechchhe and Hansposha, Nepal’. Iris Walraven, masterstudent VU Amsterdam;
- 2010 ‘The influence of a community-based health programme’. Rozemarijn de Rooij, masterstudent VU Amsterdam.